Re: Backspace (and tab) not working

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 10/27/2003 10:12:32

As for Tab, it is processed only if rvoWantTabs are in EditorOptions

(inserted as several spaces), otherwise the Tab key moves the input focus to

the next control on the form.

As for Backspace - I do not know, sorry. May be you have some code in Form's

OnKeyDown, and Form.KeyPreview=True?


> I have the following problem: when I press backspace or tab key, when the

> TRichViewEdit has the focus, they are not recognized. They do not fire


> event nor do what they are supposed to do (delete and insert tabulation).


> I am sure that I have no handler/action set up with the Backspace key.


> What confuses me more is that the both keys work in the demos provided


> TRichView.


> Do you have any idea, what is causing this?


> Regards,

> Petko

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