Re: Auto-Convert Bitmap to JPG-Image

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 08/28/2002 23:53:56

Does your image have height = 1?


> > I'v posted an example how to convert matafiles imported from RTF to bmp.

> > It's not difficult to change it to jpegs (one note: as far as I


> in

> > the latest version procedure for OnCustomImageItem has one additional

> > parameter):


> OK, that's how it works for now. If it is metafile, it converst it first


> BMP, and then to JPG.


> However, there are two issues:


> 1) when I want to compress the JPG, it generates (Scan line index out of

> range) error

> 2) if I comment it out, it works, but when I try save or export, it

> generates the same error as above.


> Any ideas?


> Thanks,


> Michael


> =======================



> procedure TForm3.DoOnRTFImage(RVData: TCustomRVData; Graphic: TGraphic;

>   Hypertext: Boolean; var item: TCustomRVItemInfo;

>   var FreeGraphic: Boolean; RTFPicture: TRVRTFPicture);

> var

>   bmp: TBitmap;

>   jpg: TJPEGImage;

> begin

>   if Graphic is TMetafile then

>     begin

>       bmp := TBitmap.Create;

>       bmp.Width := Graphic.Width;

>       bmp.Height := Graphic.Height;

>       bmp.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, Graphic);

>       Graphic := bmp;

>       FreeGraphic := True;

>     end;


>   if Graphic is TBitmap then

>     begin

>       jpg := TJPEGImage.Create;

>       jpg.assign(Graphic);

>       jpg.CompressionQuality:=75;

> //      jpg.Compress;     // <== error (Scan line index out of range)

>       Graphic := jpg;

>       FreeGraphic := True;

>     end;


>   if Graphic = nil then

>     begin

>       bmp := TBitmap.Create;

>       bmp.Width := 32;

>       bmp.Height := 32;

>       bmp.Canvas.Brush.Color := clBtnFace;

>       bmp.Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0, 0, 32, 32));

>       Graphic := bmp;

>     end;

>   if Hypertext then

>     item := TRVHotGraphicItemInfo.CreateEx(RVData, Graphic, rvvaBaseline)

>   else

>     item := TRVGraphicItemInfo.CreateEx(RVData, Graphic, rvvaBaseline);

> end;




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