Re: AssignSource fail

Return to index




Posted: 04/25/2005 12:25:07

The Problem was that on this machine was no printer driver installed !

"Sergey Tkachenko" <[email protected]> wrote:

>Sorry, I do not know what backcoloritems is.

>Are you sure that they contain strings representing integers in range

>0...rvs.ParaStyles.Count-1 ?

>(the range is not so important because if the index goes out of range this

>code assigns properties of rvs.ParaStyles.InvalidItem; but if they are not

>integers, StrToInt fails)



>> the code near from it:


>> //here i paint back the white background

>>   FOR i := 0 TO backcoloritems.Count - 1 DO



>> := clwhite;


>> //then i wish to to generate the preview


>>   frm_preview.RVPrint1.AssignSource(rv);


>>   frm_preview.RVPrint1.FormatPages(rvdoAll);





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