Re: A request to 'Shmp'

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 02/15/2003 0:10:12

Some thoughts:

1) As far as I remember Anders's TGifImage does not work well with animation

in Delphi 6 or 7.

May be this update fixes this problem, I did not test:

2) As far as I remember, Anders's TGifImage displays animation when loaded

in TImage.

image := TImage.Create(nil);


rve.InsertControl('', image, rvvaBaseLine);


> Hi,

> Can you send me a working demo/sample where I can insert animated GIF into

> the RichViewEdit. This I understand, calls for the technique which insert

> a component.


> Would appreciate if it uses the TGifImage from Anders Melanders but if you

> use others, please refer.


> Thanks.

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