Re: AddControlEx without new paragraph?

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Dirk Bozza

Posted: 06/19/2003 18:04:32

> It is not centered related to other items. It is centered related to the

> text baseline.

I know...

I have modified the following section in your code


      case li.VAlign of


          prevabove := h-desc;

        else {rvvaMiddle:}

          prevabove := round(h*0.8);     // Bozza



        else {rvvaMiddle:}

          above := round(h*0.8);         // Bozza



and the result is much better and I can live with it. But is there a way to

ask the control via OnControlAction?

I use a panel as control to display some special texts and I want to place

it so that the text is on the same Baseline as the RichView text. So the

control must be placed a litle under the Baseline.

Or, have you an idea to realize a field like MS-Word fields without

controls. The inserted fields get the visible text from a database and the

user do not change the text!

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