Re: Adapting REditor Example for DB

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Posted: 02/14/2002 10:17:51

>The problem seems to be that the changes which are displayed on the screen

>do not appear to be saved in the blob data field. Example: I change italic

>text to be italic and bold text and it appears on the screen but is not

>actually saved to the data field (a blob field) and when recalled later


>data just shows the original italic text. This does not appear to be a

>problem when only one text attribute is used only.


I managed to figure this one out a while back. In RVFOptions, the rvfoSaveTextStyles

and rcfoSaveParaStyles options need to be set to true. Unfortunately I have

a related problem: Controls I insert into the TRichviewEdit are not saved

in the field as a control. When they are called up again, they appear as

LONG lines of senseless text. (rvfoSaveControlsBody is true) Would be great

if Sergey can also include saving of a control to the field in such an example.

(Control I'm trying to use is TImage, for various reasons, but the same should

apply to other controls)

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