Re: ActionExport without open dialog

Return to index



Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 02/18/2004 21:22:16

Sorry, it really begins from 0 for converters.

This is an index in RVOfficeConverter.ExportConverters.

This is a list of items having properties Name, Path, Filter.

Example of Name is 'Word 6.0/95'. It cannot be used to find the specified

converter because it can be localized.

Filter - a list of file masks (for docs, it will be '*.doc');

Path - a path to the converter DLL. You can try to use if to find the


for i := 0 to rvoc.ExportConverters.Count-1




    // Word 6.0/95

Note: some converters use the same DLL.

You can find a list of converters on your computer here:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Text Converters\Export

> > Read readme.rvf for details.

> > Yes, if format is OfficeConverters, this is an index in the list of


> > converters (starting from 1).

> Then how to find out what index 1 or 2 means? For example in ExportAction

> there are to export methods using OfficeConverter - into Word 6.0/95 or


> 97-2002 & 6.0/95 format.

> How to find out what index have to be used if they are different on

> different PC?


> By the way you have written me that OfficeConverter format(export type)

> index begins from 1, but in Readme.rvf it is written that it begins from 0

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