Re: About TRVStyle.SaveINI

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 07/24/2002 23:56:24

What's about just deleting these style from the collection?


Also, if this RVStyle is used only by one RichViewEdit, you can use


This methods searches for unused styles, deletes them, adjusts references to

styles in rve.

> Hi,

> Imagine that during runtime, I decide do get rid of some styles, for


> if I have styles 1,2 and 3, but see that style 2 is never used, I'd like


> delete it from the style list and save in the ini file only styles 1 and

> 3(maybe 3 will have to be renumbered to 2, but that is not a problem). How

> can I do that?

> And also, how can I cange the style of some item? (when I want to get the

> style of item No I, i use RVE.GetItemStyle. What do I use to SET the style

> of item No. I?)


> 10x in advance



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