<< Click to display table of contents >> New in version 23 |
This topic included changes introduced in v23.1
•New parameter (DarkMode) in TRVStyle.OnDrawStyleText. New parameters (Printing, ColorMode, DarkMode) in TRVStyle.OnApplyStyleColor. If you use these events, you need to correct declarations of event handlers accordingly.
•New parameter (DarkMode) in TFontInfo.Draw.
•If the commercial version of Adit Math Engine is used, equation objects are saved in DocX and HTML as math objects, not as images.
•When reading a circle bullet from HTML or Markdown, TRichView uses Unicode white circle character (instead of "o" character of "Courier New" font)
•The package structure for Lazarus has been changed, see below.
New component: TRVSpellChecker. It performs spelling check in Windows, macOS, iOS, Linux (Linux version needs Hunspell). In FireMonkey, it can be used as a platform service (to check spelling in TEdit and TMemo).
TRichView supports Linux platform in Lazarus (GTK2 widget set + Cairo canvas for printing).
New package structure
The package structure for Lazarus has been changed so that each package is in its own folder. It is especially important for Linux version of Lazarus.
First, the separation of runtime and designtime packages for Lazarus has been removed: instead of the two packages, rvpkglaz.dpk (runtime) and rvpkglaz_dsgn.lpk (designtime), there is now a single package, rvpkglaz.dpk (runtime + designtime). These changes have been applied to all Lazarus packages.
Second, the package with DB components (rvdbpkg.laz) has been removed, and its units have been included in the main package.
Third, the GDI+ support package for Lazarus has been moved to a separate folder: Lazarus\GDIPlus\Source\.
Instead of the package group TRichViewLazarus.lpg, there are now two package groups: TRichViewLazarusWin.lpg (main packages) and TRichViewLazarusLin.lpg (main packages supported in Linux).
If you installed *laz_dsgn.lpk packages of previous versions of our components, uninstall them.
If you used components from rvdbpkg_laz.dpk in your project, remove rvdbpkglaz from the project dependencies, and add rvpkglaz instead.
New properties of TRichView:
▪DarkMode inverts luminance of colors
▪UseFMXThemes [FMX] allows using text color from FireMonkey style.
New property of TRVPrint and TRVReportHelper:
▪DarkMode inverts luminance of colors (when drawing on a canvas or printing)
New property of TRVPrintPreview:
▪DarkModeUI inverts luminance of colors in user interface of this component.
New global functional variable: RVGetSystem Color allows using custom color schemes in VCL applications.
This version implements drawing TMetafile images using GDI+ function (VCL). It provides higher quality of drawing, including anti-aliased lines.
To use this feature, add RVGDIPlusGrIn unit in your project.
If the commercial version of Adit Math Engine is used, equation objects can be saved and loaded in HTML and DocX files (as MathML and OMML objects, correspondingly). Saving can be controlled using properties of the object retuned by RVMathEquationManager function.
New optional parameter CodePage for TRichView.SaveMarkdown, SaveMarkdownToStream allows to specify text encoding.
Universal loading methods
New optional CodePage parameter of LoadFromFile, LoadFromFileEx and LoadFromStream, LoadFromStreamEx specifies encoding for loading plain text and Markdown.
New option is added to TRVDBFieldFormat: rvdbMarkdown. It allows saving data to a database field in Markdown format.
New properties: TDBRichView.AllowMarkdown, TDBRichViewEdit.AllowMarkdown, TRichView.Document.AllowMarkdown allow loading Markdown from database fields (instead of plain text)
New properties: TDBRichView.CodePage, TDBRichViewEdit.CodePage, TRichView.Document.CodePage specify codepage for saving/loading Markdown and plain text from database fields.