New in version 1.3

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New in version 1.3

The main additions in version 1.3

Undo/Redo (many topics, this is the link to the overview);

Unicode support (many topics, this is the link to the overview);

Events for custom drawing (several topics; this is the link to the list)

TRichView.RTFOptions, CopyRTF, SaveRTF, SaveRTFToStream

TRVPrint.OnPagePrepaint event

TFontInfo.Protection property

TRVStyle.UseSound property

TRichView.AddTextBlockNL, SetItemText, GetItemText, SaveTextToStream, SaveTextToStreamW methods;

TRichView.OnControlAction event;

new options in TRichView.Options, TRichViewEdit.EditorOptions;

new parameter in TRichView.LoadText;

TFontInfo.IsEqual, TFontInfos.FindStyleWithFontStyle, FindStyleWithFontSize, FindStyleWithColor, FindStyleWithFontName, FindSuchStyle, FindStyleWithFont

new global variables

HTML export improved.

Compatibility issues

declaration of some types were moved (usually from RichView.pas to either RVScroll.pas or RVStyle.pas; in some cases you will need to correct uses clause of units in older projects, if Delphi will not find some types).

TRichView.LoadText has a new parameter.

TFontInfo.SingleSymbols property removed; see TFontInfo.Protection.

Older version of RichView will not be able to read RVF with Unicode.