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Moves ARowCount rows, starting from AFromRow row, to the new position (specified in AToRow).

function MoveRows(AFromRow, ARowCount, AToRow: Integer): Boolean;

(introduced in version 20)


AFromRow the first row to move (in range 0 .. RowCount - ARowCount)

ARowCount specifies how many rows will be moved (a positive value)

AToRow where to move (in range 0 .. RowCount - 1)

If AToRow < AFromRow, the moved rows are inserted before the current AToRow-th row.

If AToRow > AFromRow, the moved rows are inserted after the current AToRow-th row.

If values of the parameters are not in valid ranges, the method raises an exception.

Cells in the moved rows must not be vertically merged with upper and lower rows. Cells must not be merged vertically across the place of insertion.

If the method cannot move the rows because of cell merging, or if ARowTo defines the position inside the moved rows, the function returns False.

See also:

Table operations;

Undo note.