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Prints the whole document

procedure Print(Title: String; Copies: Integer; Collate: Boolean;
  PageSet: TRVPageSet = rvpsAll; Ascending: Boolean = True);

(new parameters are added in version 17)

This method takes MinPrintedItemNo and MaxPrintedItemNo properties into account.


Title the text that is listed in the Print Manager when printing.

Copies specifies the number of copies to print.

Collate if more than one copy is selected, specifies whether you want the copies to be collated (True: 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3; False: 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3).

PageSet set of pages for printing (all/odd/even).

Ascending switches normal/reverse order of printing (True: 1, 2, 3; False: 3, 2, 1).

Assign the source document for printing (AssignSource method) and format pages (FormatPages method) before calling this method.

Print(Title, Copies, Collate, PageSet, Ascending)

is equivalent to

PrintPages(1, PagesCount, Title, Copies, Collate, PageSet, Ascending)

Do not call this method if VirtualPrinter.Active = True.

How to print on two sides of paper:

1.Print odd pages in normal order.

2.Flip the sheets over, then reinsert them into the printer. If PagesCount is odd, do not insert the last page.

3.Print even pages in reverse order.

See also methods:


See also events:



