TCustomRichViewEdit.SetItemTextEd, SetItemTextEdA, SetItemTextEdW

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TCustomRichViewEdit.SetItemTextEd, SetItemTextEdA, SetItemTextEdW

Editing-methods for changing text of text item or name of non-text item.

procedure SetItemTextEd(ItemNo: Integer; const s: String);

procedure SetItemTextEdA(ItemNo: Integer; const s: TRVAnsiString);

procedure SetItemTextEdW(ItemNo: Integer; const s: TRVUnicodeString);

(Introduced in version 1.4, 1.7)


ItemNo – index of the item. Items are indexed from 0 to ItemCount-1, GetItemStyle returns type of item.

Items of subdocuments (table cells) are not included in the items range of the main document. For items in cells, activate inplace-editor, select the proper item in the cell  (SelSelectionBounds), and call SetItemTextEd* of this inplace-editor. Alternatively, you can use SetCurrentItemText*.

s – text assigned to the item. For text items, this is a visible text. For non-text item, this is a string value associated with the item (not displayed). S must not contain line break (CR and LF) characters. For text items, it must not contain CR, LF, TAB, FF characters (#13, #10, #9, #12).

unicode Unicode notes:

Internally, text is stored as Unicode. SetItemTextEdA converts ANSI to Unicode. If the ItemNo-th item is a text item, a code page for conversion is calculated basing on the its Charset. If it is equal to DEFAULT_CHARSET, and for non-text items, Style.DefCodePage is used.

SetItemTextEd works:

like SetItemTextEdA, in Delphi 2007 and older

like SetItemTextEdW, in Delphi 2009 and newer

with UTF-8 string, in Lazarus


Methods type: editstyle editing-style.


See also methods:

SetCurrentItemText -A -W.

See also methods of TCustomRichView:

GetItemText -A -W;

SetItemText -A -W.

See also properties:


See also:

Modifying RichView items;


Unicode in RichView.