TCustomRichViewEdit.AddSpellingMenuItems [FMX]

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TCustomRichViewEdit.AddSpellingMenuItems [FMX]

Adds menu items offering corrections for the current misspelled word to AMenu.

procedure AddSpellingMenuItems(AMenu: TCustomPopupMenu);

If PopupMenu property is not assigned, the editor uses a built-in standard popup menu. Spelling checking items are added in this standard menu automatically, and this method is not needed.

If you use your own popup menu, you can call this method to add items that offer corrections for the current misspelled word. Before adding new items, the method destroys all items that were added by the previous call of this method.

If the current word is not misspelled, no items are added (but previously added items are destroyed).

Suggestions are requested:

from OnGetSpellingSuggestions event;

from a platform spelling check service, if it is available for the current platform.