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This is a class of a document object defining default properties for items-mathematical expressions.

Unit RVMathItem;


TRVMathDocObject = class (TRVDocObject);

(introduced in version 17)


This class has properties:

FontName: TFontName – default font name for all mathematical formulas in this document. Default value: "Cambria Math".

FontSizeDouble: Integer – default font size (in half-points) for all mathematical formulas in this document. Default value: 20.

TextColor: TColor – default text color for all mathematical formulas in this document. Default value: clWindowText.

Items may override these properties in their FontName, FontSizeDouble, TextColor properties.

See the explanations about mathematical fonts in the help topics about TRVMathItemInfo.FontName

How to use

It's not recommended to use this object directly. Use RVGetMathProperties and RVSetMathProperties procedures instead.

To save and load these properties in RVF, include rvfoSaveDocObjects and rvfoLoadDocObjects in RVFOptions.