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This is a type of TRichView.HTMLSaveProperties. It contains properties for HTML export.

Do not create objects of this class yourself, use this property instead.

Unit [VCL/FMX] RVHtmlSaveProps / fmxRVHtmlSaveProps.


TRVHTMLSaveProperties = class (TPersistent)


By default, TRichView saves HTML with formatting represented by CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). You can switch to simplified HTML (using formatting tags instead of CSS) using HTMLSavingType.

CSS can be customized using CSSOptions.

By default, CSS styles are saved as a style sheet in HTML <head>, but they can be saved inline (CSSSavingType) or externally (ExternalCSSFileName).

Additional CSS styles can be provided in ExtraStyles property.


TRichView can write HTML or XHTML, depending on HTMLVersion. Encoding is specified in Encoding.


Images can be saved in external files or directly in HTML, customized by ImageOptions, ImagesPrefix.

Checkpoints are saved as anchors, customized by UseCheckpointNames, CheckpointsPrefix.

List markers are saved as HTML lists or as text/images, depending on ListMarkerSavingType.


Header and footer can be saved in HTML, if specified in SaveHeaderAndFooter.


Note: the default value of ImageOptions depends on the control type:

for TRichView, TRichViewEdit, TDBRichView: []

for TDBRichViewEdit: [rvhtmlsioInlineImages]