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This is a type of TRichView.Document. This property is used for LiveBindings.

Unit [VCL/FMX] RichView / fmxRichView.


TRVDocumentProperty = class (TPersistent)

(introduced in version 21)

You can use LiveBindings to link this property to a dataset field of TBlobField type.

This is an alternative way of using TRichView components to view and edit database fields, which works both in VCL and FireMonkey frameworks. Another way is using TDBRichView and TDBRichViewEdit components (available in VCL and LCL frameworks).

This property contains sub-properties controlling this linking.

Important note: in order to link Document to TBlobField, DBRV unit (or fmxDBRV unit for FireMonkey) must be included in the project (add it in "uses").