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TSRVPrint allows printing documents from TSRichViewEdit in several modes, including posters.
Unit SRVPrint.
TSRVPrint = class(TComponent)
The main property of TRVPrint is PrintMode. It defines how the document in SRichViewEdit is printed.
•srvpAuto – the printer paper size and orientation are set automatically;
•srvpStretchToFit – the current printer paper size and orientation are used;
•srvpStretchIfLarger is like srvpStretchToFit if the document page size is larger than the printer paper size. Otherwise, the document is printed at the top left corner of paper.
•srvpTiles – if possible, prints several copies of the document page on the same paper sheet;
•srvpPoster – allows printing posters: each page can be printed on several paper sheets; this is the most complex mode, it is described below.
•srvpGrid – allows printing several document pages on the same paper sheet.
The component uses the current printer (specified in Printer.PrinterIndex, where Printer is a function defined in the Printers unit). When the parameters of the current printer are changed, or the current printer is changed, call Update to recalculate properties according to the printer.
A document is prepared in TSRichViewEdit component . Its size is defined in TSRichViewEdit's page properties.
Each page of this document is scaled to RealWidth x RealHeight (see below how they are calculated).
Each page of this document is printed as a poster. The poster consists of frames. Frame is one paper sheet, it has size of the printer's paper (FrameWidthPix x FrameHeightPix, orientation Orientation).
The poster consists of Ceil(FrameCountX) x Ceil(FrameCountY) frames (so, each page of the original document will be printed on Ceil(FrameCountX)*Ceil(
FrameCountY) printer pages).
The poster size in pixels is PageWidthPix x PageHeightPix (i.e. Ceil(FrameCountX)*FrameWidthPix x Ceil(FrameCountY)*FrameHeightPix).
FrameCountX and FrameCountY can be fractional values (if IntegerCount = False), it affects calculation of RealWidth and RealHeight (see below).
How the document page is scaled
As it was said above, each page of the original document is scaled to RealWidth x RealHeight.
If ScaleImage = True, pages are scaled to the full poster size (RealWidth = PageWidthPix , RealHeight = PageHeightPix), without keeping the original proportions.
If ScaleImage = False, pages are scaled proportionally to the maximal size that fits in TotalFrameWPix x TotalFrameHPix (so RealWidth<=TotalFrameWPix, RealHeight<=TotalFrameHPix).
TotalFrameWPix and TotalFrameHPix are similar to PageWidthPix and PageHeightPix, but calculated without rounding, i.e. they are equal to FrameCountX*FrameWidthPix x FrameCountY*FrameHeightPix.
If ScaleImage = False, the document page can be printed in the top left corner or in the center of the poster, depending on the Center property.
See also: UsePhysicalOffsets.
The main printing methods are Print and PrintPages. See also PrintFrame, PrintFrames, PrintFramesEx.
A print preview is displayed by TSRVPreview component.
You can provide a visual indication of printing progress using OnSendingToPrinter event.
To make printing output compatible with metafiles, assign MetafileCompatibility=True (and probably, NoMetafiles=True). It may be necessary for some virtual printers