LoadFFMpegLibraries Procedure

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LoadFFMpegLibraries Procedure

[Re]Loads FFmpeg libraries from the specified Path.

Unit [VCL and LCL] MRVFFMpeg;

Unit [FMX] fmxMRVFFMpeg;


procedure LoadFFMpegLibraries(Path : string);

By default, FFmpeg libraries are loaded from default locations (i.e. the current application directory and directories specified in PATH environment variable).

You can use this procedure for loading (or reloading) FFmpeg libraries located in a specific directory.


Note: by default, RVMedia loads avdevice library (that provides RVCamera.FFmpegProperty.VideoInputDevice functionality) for all FFmpeg version except for 6.x (due to known errors in this version). If you have problems with other version of FFmpeg, you can disable avdevice loading by assigning False to the global variable UseAVDevice.



You can download compiled Win64 version of FFmpeg here: https://www.ffmpeg.org/download.html#build-windows ("shared" versions are necessary).


You cannot install FFmpeg from the official website, because it does not provide "shared" builds.

You can use Homebrew package manager to install FFmpeg (type "brew install ffmpeg" in Terminal).