copy content from 1-cell-table to another 1-cell-table
Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 5:37 pm
How can I mark the content of a 1-cell table (with all attributes) and place it in the clipboard (can be done with Ctrl + c)?
Subsequently, the content of the clipboard should be inserted again in another 1-cell table (can be done with Ctrl + v).
My experiments always show that in the 'other 1-cell' table not the content of the copied cell was inserted, but the 1-cell table with border lines.
[img]e:\copy 1-cell to another 1-cell-table.jpg[/img]
procedure TForm1.FokTabMarkClick (Sender: TObject);
if Memo.GetItemStyle (memo.CurItemNo) = rvsTable then begin
GetRveTabNo; // storedRveTabNo is the focused table
rveTable.SelectCols (0.1);
if MessageDlg ('Should the marked be deleted?',
mtConfirmation, [mbYes, mbNo], 0) = mrYes then begin
SetRveTabNo; // so that marking is canceled
end else ShowMessage ('No table was focused.');
Subsequently, the content of the clipboard should be inserted again in another 1-cell table (can be done with Ctrl + v).
My experiments always show that in the 'other 1-cell' table not the content of the copied cell was inserted, but the 1-cell table with border lines.
[img]e:\copy 1-cell to another 1-cell-table.jpg[/img]
procedure TForm1.FokTabMarkClick (Sender: TObject);
if Memo.GetItemStyle (memo.CurItemNo) = rvsTable then begin
GetRveTabNo; // storedRveTabNo is the focused table
rveTable.SelectCols (0.1);
if MessageDlg ('Should the marked be deleted?',
mtConfirmation, [mbYes, mbNo], 0) = mrYes then begin
SetRveTabNo; // so that marking is canceled
end else ShowMessage ('No table was focused.');