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Import from canvas commands

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 3:58 pm
by egal
we have own print preview in our company. As editor is used PaintBox.Canvas, A4 format and sizes 0..2100 and 0..-2970 pixels.
For example:
PaintBox.Canvas.MoveTo(130, -200);
PaintBox.Canvas.LineTo(1800, -200);
PaintBox.Canvas.Font.Name: = 'Arial';
PaintBox.Canvas.Font.Height: = 32;
PaintBox.Canvas.TextOut (200, -300, 'test');
PaintBox.Canvas.MoveTo(130, -2500);
PaintBox.Canvas.LineTo(1800, -2500);
Is it possible import these canvas commands to TSRichViewEdit and edit the text?

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 10:01 am
by Sergey Tkachenko
Sorry, no. Even if you write an import procedure, TSRichViewEdit does not support text positioning at the specified coordinates.