TRichView 13.4 - Delphi XE2, cell rotation
Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 10:24 am
Trial version of TRichView 13.4 is available here:
New features since the last public release
Delphi and C++Builder XE2
New packages are available: RVPkgDXE2.dproj and RVDBPkgDXE2.dproj. They install our components both in Delphi and C++Builder personalities of RAD Studio XE2.
The components can be used both in 32-bit and 64-bit VCL projects.
The only component that is not useful in 64-bit applications is TRVOfficeConverter, because it works with 32-bit DLLs.
Delphi XE2's styles are supported: scrollbars and border are drawn according to the selected styles. TRVPrintPreview component changes colors according to the style.
Item tags are strings
There is a modification that requires changes in existing projects: item tags became strings. Previously, they were integers that could be treated as pointers to strings (if rvoTagsArePChars was included in Options; this option was not removed, but it does nothing in the new version).
Although this change makes a compatibility problem, we consider it as a positive step. A code working with tags is much simpler now, and there is a less space for bugs in applications.
We have modified all demo projects included in the components. However, some projects posted on the forum still require modification. We will do it ASAP.
There is a compiler directive (RVOLDTAGS) that can be used to return the old tags behavior. But we recommend against using it: it's better to spend several minutes to update your projects to the new tag mode.
Table cell rotation

Content of table cells can be rotated by 90, 180, or 270 degrees. Everything in the cell is rotated - text, pictures (including animation), nested tables. There are some limitations, see ... ation.html
Text files
The text saving and loading methods have a new optional parameter: CodePage. It works when loading/saving ANSI (or DBCS) files to/from Unicode documents. This parameter specifies a text file encoding.
Item coordinates
A new method returning item coordinates is added: GetItemCoordsEx. This method returns coordinates in the specified item in the editor. This method has much more options than the methods that were available before (it works with item in table cells (and it takes a rotation into account), left- and right-aligned items, and multiline text)
A navigation in table cells is improved: up/down keys position the caret better when moving between table cells.
Complete list of new features since version 13.0: ... on_14.html
Previous version:
New features since the last public release
Delphi and C++Builder XE2
New packages are available: RVPkgDXE2.dproj and RVDBPkgDXE2.dproj. They install our components both in Delphi and C++Builder personalities of RAD Studio XE2.
The components can be used both in 32-bit and 64-bit VCL projects.
The only component that is not useful in 64-bit applications is TRVOfficeConverter, because it works with 32-bit DLLs.
Delphi XE2's styles are supported: scrollbars and border are drawn according to the selected styles. TRVPrintPreview component changes colors according to the style.
Item tags are strings
There is a modification that requires changes in existing projects: item tags became strings. Previously, they were integers that could be treated as pointers to strings (if rvoTagsArePChars was included in Options; this option was not removed, but it does nothing in the new version).
Although this change makes a compatibility problem, we consider it as a positive step. A code working with tags is much simpler now, and there is a less space for bugs in applications.
We have modified all demo projects included in the components. However, some projects posted on the forum still require modification. We will do it ASAP.
There is a compiler directive (RVOLDTAGS) that can be used to return the old tags behavior. But we recommend against using it: it's better to spend several minutes to update your projects to the new tag mode.
Table cell rotation

Content of table cells can be rotated by 90, 180, or 270 degrees. Everything in the cell is rotated - text, pictures (including animation), nested tables. There are some limitations, see ... ation.html
Text files
The text saving and loading methods have a new optional parameter: CodePage. It works when loading/saving ANSI (or DBCS) files to/from Unicode documents. This parameter specifies a text file encoding.
Item coordinates
A new method returning item coordinates is added: GetItemCoordsEx. This method returns coordinates in the specified item in the editor. This method has much more options than the methods that were available before (it works with item in table cells (and it takes a rotation into account), left- and right-aligned items, and multiline text)
A navigation in table cells is improved: up/down keys position the caret better when moving between table cells.
Complete list of new features since version 13.0: ... on_14.html
Previous version: