ScaleRichView 3
Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 6:24 pm
ScaleRichView v3 is released.
Trial version:
If you are a registered ScaleRichView user but cannot find a link for downloading the new version, contact me
Main new features
Support of all new features of TRichView 12
TRichView 12 introduces left- and right-aligned images, headings, etc.
Header and footer
Headers and footers can be edited, saved and loaded in RTF (Rich Text Format) and RVF (RichView Format) files.
To start editing header or footer, double click them. To continue editing the main document, double click it.

Editing header
New components, skins
TSRVScrollBar — a skinnable scrollbar; this component is used inside TSRichViewEdit, but may be useful as a separate component as well.
TSRVTabSet — a skinnable set of tabs having icons and text labels; this component can be used to implement a tabbed multiple document interface.
TSRVSkinManager applies skins to TSRVTabSet and TSRVScrollBar.
You can see TSRVTabSet and skinned scrollbars on the screenshot above.
New actions
Almost all RichViewActions designed for TRichViewEdit can work with ScaleRichView, except for printing actions.
In ScaleRichView v3 we added several actions specially for ScaleRichView:
TsrvActionQuickPrint prints one copy of all pages, on the default printer.
TsrvActionPrint displays a dialog for entering printing parameters, and prints according to them.
TsrvActionPageSetup displays page setup dialog.

Page setup dialog
Improved text scaling method
In ScaleRichView v3, text scaling is performed in much more smooth way.
This method also affects a printing output, so the new version of ScaleRichView produces documents in higher quality.
Previous major update: (v2.0)
Trial version:
If you are a registered ScaleRichView user but cannot find a link for downloading the new version, contact me
Main new features
Support of all new features of TRichView 12
TRichView 12 introduces left- and right-aligned images, headings, etc.
Header and footer
Headers and footers can be edited, saved and loaded in RTF (Rich Text Format) and RVF (RichView Format) files.
To start editing header or footer, double click them. To continue editing the main document, double click it.

Editing header
New components, skins

You can see TSRVTabSet and skinned scrollbars on the screenshot above.
New actions
Almost all RichViewActions designed for TRichViewEdit can work with ScaleRichView, except for printing actions.
In ScaleRichView v3 we added several actions specially for ScaleRichView:
TsrvActionQuickPrint prints one copy of all pages, on the default printer.
TsrvActionPrint displays a dialog for entering printing parameters, and prints according to them.
TsrvActionPageSetup displays page setup dialog.

Page setup dialog
Improved text scaling method
In ScaleRichView v3, text scaling is performed in much more smooth way.
This method also affects a printing output, so the new version of ScaleRichView produces documents in higher quality.
Previous major update: (v2.0)