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Issue with TDBRichViewEdit and Image Dimensions in Markdown Mode
Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2024 3:47 pm
by a.mancini
Hello everyone,
I am encountering an issue while working with TDBRichViewEdit in Markdown mode.
I am loading images from the filesystem instead of saving them directly in Markdown as base64.
The problem arises when I resize the images in the editor and then save the changes. Upon reloading the element, the image dimensions always revert to those of the original image and not the ones I previously modified.
I have attempted to implement the SaveImage2 event to capture the new image dimensions, but the Graphic variable seems to consistently return the height and width of the original image.
My question is: how can I obtain the dimensions of the modified image or save the new dimensions in Markdown?
Any help or guidance on resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Alessandro Mancini
Re: Issue with TDBRichViewEdit and Image Dimensions in Markdown Mode
Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2024 6:20 pm
by standay
Sergey will know for sure but you may need to do something like this:
First, get the current image info into some vars:
Code: Select all
rv.GetCurrentPictureInfo( s, gr, RVAlign, ATag );
w := gr.Width;
h := gr.Height;
Change your w and h, then set picture info with new values for height and width...
Code: Select all
rv.SetCurrentPictureInfo( FFileName , gr, RVAlign, ATag );
I ran into something like this and that's what I had to do to get the image(s) to resize. If you want to do this by item number, just use rv.GetPictureInfo and rv.SetPictureInfo instead. This might not fit your circumstnace exactly but maybe it will help.
Re: Issue with TDBRichViewEdit and Image Dimensions in Markdown Mode
Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2024 9:28 am
by a.mancini
Thank you for your reply,
But GetCurrentPictureInfo returns the same information (original width and height) as the OnSaveImage2 event.
Code: Select all
procedure TFormSintesi.EdtSintesiSaveImage2(Sender: TCustomRichView;
Graphic: TGraphic; SaveFormat: TRVSaveFormat; const Path,
ImagePrefix: TRVUnicodeString; var ImageSaveNo: Integer;
var Location: TRVUnicodeString; var DoDefault: Boolean);
var LNewFileName : String;
LOrigFilename: String;
LItem : TCustomRVItemInfo;
LGr : TGraphic;
LItemName : TRVUnicodeString;
LTag : TRVTag;
LRvAlign : TRVVAlign;
if SaveFormat <> rvsfMarkdown then exit;
LItem := Sender.RVData.GetItem(RVStyle1.ItemNo);
LOrigFilename := Format('%s%s',[IDisplayEditable.IGriglia.GetCachePathImage,LItem.Hint]);
Location := Format('%s_%d.%s', [ImagePrefix,ImageSaveNo, GraphicExtension(TGraphicClass(Graphic.ClassType))]);
LNewFileName := Format('%s%s',[IDisplayEditable.IGriglia.GetCachePathImage,Location]);
{$REGION 'Log'}
LogModule.ScriviLog('TFormSintesi.EdtSintesiSaveImage2',Format('Temporany filename %s Original filename %s',[LNewFileName,LOrigFilename]),tpliv4,True);
EdtSintesi.GetCurrentPictureInfo( LItemName, LGr, LRvAlign, LTag );
{$REGION 'Log'}
LogModule.ScriviLog('TFormSintesi.EdtSintesiSaveImage2',Format('ItemName [%s] Size by event [%d/%d] Size by editor [%d/%d]',[LItemName,Graphic.Width,Graphic.Height,LGr.Width,LGr.Height]),tpliv4,True);
if not IDisplayEditable.IGriglia.AddImageSummary(LNewFileName,LOrigFilename) then
MessageBox(Handle, PChar(siLang_FormSintesi.GetTextOrDefault('IDS_S6' (* 'Errore in fase di salvataggio' *) )), PChar(STR_ERROR), MB_ICONERROR or MB_OK or MODALITY);
Location := LNewFileName;
DoDefault := False;
My question is: How can I retrieve the new width and height of an image that has been resized in the DbrichViewEdit?
Re: Issue with TDBRichViewEdit and Image Dimensions in Markdown Mode
Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2024 12:13 pm
by standay
In my code, I set an extra integer property:
Code: Select all
rv.SetCurrentItemExtraIntProperty(rvepImageWidth, CurWidth , True);
Then later I can get that property:
Code: Select all
rv.GetItemExtraIntProperty(ItemNo, rvepImageWidth, i );
Then I can see the display width and actual width:
Code: Select all
msg := msg + #13'Display/Actual Width: ' + i.ToString + '/' + gr.Width.ToString;
I'm using a regular rve and no database. But I found I had to save the info separately using the property. I'm not using markdown or a database so this may not apply to your need.
Re: Issue with TDBRichViewEdit and Image Dimensions in Markdown Mode
Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2024 2:23 pm
by a.mancini
when you apply rv.SetCurrentItemExtraIntProperty(rvepImageWidth, CurWidth , True); ?
and whats its CurWidth ?
thank you for yout support
Re: Issue with TDBRichViewEdit and Image Dimensions in Markdown Mode
Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2024 3:55 pm
by Sergey Tkachenko
Markdown does not have keywords for specifying image size, so yes, images will be reverted to the original size after reloading.
Yes, you can modify images on saving in
This event has "hidden" parameters (Sender.Style.RVData and Sender.Style.ItemNo) that you can use to get the image size.
Code: Select all
ImageWidth, ImageHeight: Integer;
LRVData: TCustomRVData;
LRVData := TCustomRVData(Sender.Style.RVData);
LRVData.GetItemExtraIntProperty(Sender.Style.ItemNo, rvepImageWidth, ImageWidth);
LRVData.GetItemExtraIntProperty(Sender.Style.ItemNo, rvepImageHeight, ImageHeight);
ImageWidth := Sender.Style.GetAsStandardPixels(ImageWidth);
ImageHeight := Sender.Style.GetAsStandardPixels(ImageHeight);
Here you can use ImageWidth and ImageHeight. For unresized image, they are zero.
PS: as for *Current* methods, they work with the object at the caret position.
Re: Issue with TDBRichViewEdit and Image Dimensions in Markdown Mode
Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2024 4:55 pm
by a.mancini
Thank you very much for the reply! I really appreciate your help.
I also wanted to compliment you on the excellent library you have produced.
In my opinion, it is a must-have for Delphi.
Thank you again.
I'll try the tests tomorrow.
Re: Issue with TDBRichViewEdit and Image Dimensions in Markdown Mode
Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2024 9:20 am
by a.mancini
Okay, it works perfectly
One other question about OnSaveImage2: Can it retrieve the name of the image? For example, if I have this  can I retrieve 'IMAGE_NAME.jpg
Re: Issue with TDBRichViewEdit and Image Dimensions in Markdown Mode
Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2024 4:42 pm
by Sergey Tkachenko
If rvoAssignImageFileNames is not included in RichView.Options, then this file name is lost on loading.
If rvoAssignImageFileNames is included in RichView.Options, then this file name is stored in rvespImageFileName property.
In OnSaveImage2, you can get it as
Code: Select all
ImageFileName: String;
RVData.GetItemExtraStrProperty(Sender.Style.ItemNo, rvespImageFileName, ImageFileName);
Re: Issue with TDBRichViewEdit and Image Dimensions in Markdown Mode
Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2024 6:35 am
by a.mancini
ok thank you