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TRichView 21.7.2 - dialog scaling

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 2:23 pm
by Sergey Tkachenko
TRichView is updated to v21.7.2

This is mainly a maintenance update that fixes some bugs related to import and export to files (including an important fix in DocX export).

But it introduces new features in RichViewActions.

Dialog scaling

TRVAControlPanel.DialogZoomPercent property. It allows scaling all dialog windows displayed by RichViewActions (including dialogs of ScaleRichView and ReportWorkshop).
The main reason for introducing this property is helping to make UI of RichViewActions more accessible for people with low vision (if they, for some reason, do not want to increase Windows font size globally).
In RichViewActions, you can define font size of dialogs using TRVControlPanel.DialogFontSize. The default value is 8 points. All RichViewActions dialog windows (at their original size) look OK with font size 9 or 10 points, but with larger font size they look bad.
The new property allows increasing sizes of dialog windows to make space for larger text.
This property affects popup windows (color picker, table size popup, shape selection popup in ReportWorkshop) as well.

Examples (both screenshots are taken at 96 dpi)

ParagraphDialog-zoom100-8pt.png (9.78 KiB) Viewed 159229 times
Paragraph dialog, 100% zoom, font size 8pt
ParagraphDialog-zoom200-16pt.png (25.58 KiB) Viewed 159229 times
Paragraph dialog, 200% zoom, font size 16pt

Position of dialog windows

TRVAControlPanel.DialogPosition specifies the initial position of dialog windows on the screen. You can choose from the main form center (as before) and the screen center.

Choosing custom colors

A new action TrvActionUserDefinedColor can be used for changing some color (optionally, with its opacity). Previously, RichViewActions had actions only for changing colors directly related to the document (document background color, text color, paragraph color, etc.). The action uses a color picking tool included in RichViewActions.

Importing styles

A dialog of styles (displayed by TrvActionStyleTemplates) can import styles from DocX and HTML files (in addition to RVSt and RTF files)

Previous version