I tested TRVPrint.DrawPage,the inline-images are right.
I have no idea whether u can help me....

Interesting posts about exporting to PDF. I tried LLibPDF and SynPDF. LLibPDF was a bit easier to implement, although you have to tie it to an rv preview to use. SynPDF seemed to work a bit better and does not have to be tired to a preview to work. I have Adobe Acrobat and so I have an Adobe PDF printer as well. However, I found just using the built-in Microsoft PDF printer was the easiest way around a PDF library.wolf1860 wrote: Thu Feb 10, 2022 3:55 pm Thank u again:) I found TRVPrint export pdf worked fine:Just need set the margins property,so I avoided the problem.That's enough:) By the way,LLibPDF is not stable for me when I try to export many rvf files,SynPDF is perfect. I have bought the update license:)
Interesting info, thanks. So far, yes, I've left synpdf in my app mainly in case the MS PDF printer might be missing. It's not causing any other issues so far. I also tried a number of PDF things in the past and had no luck with them as well. I never tried eDocEngine. Even if it had worked I can't justify the cost for what I'm doing.jonjon wrote: Tue Feb 15, 2022 10:53 am I've tried many PDF engines before choosing SynPDF...
- You shouldn't rely on "MS PDF printer" which might not be installed on every computers, except if you control where you application is installed
- Most other PDF engines I've tried but discarded due to bugs, limitations, lack of support...
Code: Select all
// Workaround: metafiles may be exported incorrectly in non-screen resolution
RVPrint1.NoMetafiles := PDFPixelsPerInch <> Screen.PixelsPerInch;
//Bullets fix: https://www.trichview.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=8966&hilit=synpdf+bullets
RVPrint1.MetafileCompatibility := True;
I need the changes to test my app export pdf ,and I have bought the license.my email : [email protected]Sergey Tkachenko wrote: Thu Feb 10, 2022 9:50 am I implemented it in my working version of ScaleRichView. If you have the active the active period of updates of TRichView and ScaleRichView, I can send changes to you.