ANN: RVMedia 8.0

RVMedia support and discussion (components for displaying and controlling IP cameras, webcams, video conferencing, video chats, recording audio and video files)
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Sergey Tkachenko
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ANN: RVMedia 8.0

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

RVMedia 8.0 has been released.

It has improvements in many areas: webcam support in Linux, MJpeg stream reading, FFmpeg and GStreamer support, API of IP cameras.

Details are here: ... =6&t=10229
Sergey Tkachenko
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RVMedia 8.0.1

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

Updated to version 8.0.1
Sergey Tkachenko
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Re: ANN: RVMedia 8.0

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

Updated to version 8.1
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Re: ANN: RVMedia 8.0

Post by jimhawkins2 »

Congratulations Sergey. An excellent update.

A few points:

Disconnects: In client-server mode the client drops out randomly – usually after a period of no interaction. I can’t see any automatic re-connect mechanism, but maybe I’ve missed it.

FFMPEG: There seems to be a complete FFMPEG interface. So, there’s no reason not to have a player that will play anything. I use FFMpegVCL for this with great results. Ideally, I would like to be build a player that’s capable of streaming what it’s playing. It should be easy to pump the video and audio to a TCamSender. Then my interpreters could be presented either with a webcam speaker or a streamed speaker to interpret. That’s vital for me.

Android: here is plenty of Android stuff defined. Can we have a demo, please, or instructions on how to make one!

Well done!
Sergey Tkachenko
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Re: ANN: RVMedia 8.0

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

1. You can handle disconnects in OnDisconnect events of TRVCamReceiver/TRVCamSender, and in OnEndVideoStream event of TRVCamera.

2. Streaming is planned in future updates (there are 4 things that I plan to do next: streaming, reading sound from videos, ONVIF, FMX for Linux).

3. Sorry, Android is not supported yet, the next target platform is FMX for Linix
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Re: ANN: RVMedia 8.0

Post by jimhawkins2 »

Thanks, Sergey

All I need is to expose a method to send audio and video to a Tcamsender. My FFMPEG system can deliver video frame and audio frame events very reliably, if necessary with transcoding. The audio frames are all PCM with the samples/sec, channels and bits/sample in the event call. The video frames are either the actual frame delivered by FFMPEG in it's encoded format, or a BMP.

Looking at your code, it's very stream-based, so maybe being able to supply a custom stream is the answer. I'll have a look at it some more.

I have zero customers worldwide using Linux on the desktop, so that's of no significance to me - although a Linux version of the server running as deamon would be VERY useful.

Best wishes - Jim
Sergey Tkachenko
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Re: ANN: RVMedia 8.0

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

For sending video, you can use TRVCamera with DeviceType = rvdtUserData. Provide frames in OnNewImage event.
As for audio, you can send a wav file (TRVMicrophone SourceType = rvsstWAV, file is specified in WAVFileName property).
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Re: ANN: RVMedia 8.0

Post by jimhawkins2 »

Nearly there!

But - I don't want to extract the track to a wav unless I have to. That would cause a lot of sync problems. I really need to be able to write data in real-time.
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