I want to make the mouse cursor visible when capturing the desktop.

RVMedia support and discussion (components for displaying and controlling IP cameras, webcams, video conferencing, video chats, recording audio and video files)
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I want to make the mouse cursor visible when capturing the desktop.

Post by I.TGundal »

I'm asking the first question.
I want to lecture, but when I capture the desktop, it is inconvenient because I can't see the mouse cursor.
Is there any way to capture and show the cursor together?
I am currently using 7.4.1.

Thanks in advance!
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Re: I want to make the mouse cursor visible when capturing the desktop.

Post by I.TGundal »

The remote desktop demo has mouse handling.
It wasn't what I wanted, but I solved it first.
Sergey Tkachenko
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Re: I want to make the mouse cursor visible when capturing the desktop.

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

Currently, the remote-desktop shows the only way to get the cursor position: by sending special commands with the cursor position.

But probably, the demo implements it not in the best way. It uses TRVCamView.OnPaint to draw the cursor. This event is called when a new frame needs to be drawn. Because of this, the cursor does not move as smooth as it can, because the mouse commands can be received faster than frames.
But currently, I am not sure about a better way to implement it (maybe moving a cursor image on top of the camview?)
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Re: I want to make the mouse cursor visible when capturing the desktop.

Post by I.TGundal »

The mouse moves very well on the camview and is captured.
This is enough, as only the approximate mouse marks were needed.
The first thing I tried was to fix the component source to capture and draw the mouse cursor when capturing the desktop.
I'm going to have to modify it a bit to apply the method I know, so I put it off for a while and looked at the demo.
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