object Button3: TButton
Left = 547
Top = 10
Width = 75
Height = 25
Action = rvActionFontBold
TabOrder = 2
object ActionManager1: TActionManager
Left = 336
Top = 224
StyleName = 'Platform Default'
object rvActionFontBold: TrvActionFontBold
Category = 'RVE Text'
Caption = '&Bold'
ImageIndex = 14
ShortCut = 16450
I compiled and ran the example. I added a new sentence in TRichViewEdit and added a tag "code" in the middle of it by pressing "Insert Customer Code".
Finally I selected the whole line I inserted and clicked on Button3. The line was converted in Bold except the tag.
There must not be side effects.
All text style operations in TRichViewEdit and RichViewActions create new styles basing on existing styles, so other protection properties will be retained.