Then we started getting a lot of 'Canvas' errors on server side. Searching about that topic I found that TRichviewEdit is not threadsafe and that I should use TReportRichView instead.
The main problem here is that TReportRichView is missing some important methods like:
* InsertText
* InsertItem to insert tables
* InsertRVFFromStreamEd
* InsertPageBreak
and some less important methods like:
* ApplyTextStyle (set font style to barcode)
* ApplyStyleConversion (bold, italic, underline)
* ApplyParaStyleConversion (aligment)
Is there any chance that these method will get introduced to TReportRichView?
I also included code snippet of current usage.
Code: Select all
procedure ScanData(ARVData: TCustomRVFormattedData);
content, replacement: string;
replace: Boolean;
startItemNo, startItemOffs, endItemNo, EndItemOffs: Integer;
lStartItemNo, lStartItemOffs, lEndItemNo, lEndItemOffs: Integer;
offs: Integer;
rvData: TCustomRVFormattedData;
rvData := TCustomRVFormattedData(ARVData.Edit);
offs := rvData.GetOffsBeforeItem(0);
rvData.SetSelectionBounds(0, offs, 0, offs); // Move to beginning
while rvData.SearchTextR(True, False, False, False, True, False, False, RVU_GetRawUnicode(StartTag)) do
rvData.GetSelectionBounds(startItemNo, startItemOffs, endItemNo, EndItemOffs, True);
if not rvData.SearchTextR(True, False, False, False, True, True, False, RVU_GetRawUnicode(EndTag)) then
raise EUnclosedFieldException.Create(_('Unclosed field: %s', [StartTag]));
rvData.GetSelectionBounds(lStartItemNo, lStartItemOffs, lEndItemNo, lEndItemOffs, True);
// Select tag content
rvData.SetSelectionBounds(startItemNo, startItemOffs, lEndItemNo, lEndItemOffs);
content := Trim(RVU_RawUnicodeToWideString(rvData.GetSelTextR(True)));
content := Copy(content, Length(StartTag) + 1, Length(content) - Length(StartTag) - Length(EndTag));
if content = '' then
replace := True;
replacement := '';
OnData(FOrigTemplate, StartTag, EndTag, content, replacement, replace);
if replace then
FOrigTemplate.InsertText(replacement, True);
rvData.Format(True, False);
Code: Select all
FHwnd := AllocateHWnd(nil);
FRichView := TRVTemplateEdit.CreateParented(FHwnd);
FRichView.Visible := False;
FRichView.Options := FRichView.Options - [rvoFormatInvalidate];