PageNoVisible problems

ScaleRichView support and discussion (TRichView add-on for WYSIWYG editing)
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PageNoVisible problems

Post by vit »

I've encountered two things connected to PageNoVisible property.

1. Changing this property doesn't cause OnChange event.
2. Value of PageNoVisible isn't stored in file during saving. However, margins are stored.

Are they all by design?
Sergey Tkachenko
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Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

Yes, this is just a temporal solution for displaying page numbers, it is not stored in documents.
In future, we plan to add "page number" field in headers/footers,

If you want to store it in document, you can do it yourself, using SRichViewEdit.RichViewEdit.DocProperties, and call SRichViewEdit.RichViewEdit.Change directly.
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Post by vit »

Thank you!
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Post by JonRobertson »

Sergey Tkachenko wrote:In future, we plan to add "page number" field in headers/footers
Has any progress been made on this enhancement? If not, is it still planned? I'm once again needing this functionality and searching the forums for solutions.

RVFooter is the same for every page of the main document, so I'm not sure how I can add a RichView text item representing the current page number. Specifically, I'm wanting the form "Page X of Y".

I need this in the saved RVF (generated and saved from a TSRichViewEdit). I have a ReportBuilder report that takes multiple RVF files, combines them, and creates an archived report of those documents. If I have 10 documents that are 5 pages each, ReportBuilder sees this as a 50 page report. I want each document to maintain its own page numbers. In this example, page 6 of the report would have "Page 1 of 5" in the footer, because it is the first page of the second document in the report.

I've been searching the forum and trying different possibilities, but have not found an answer. I'm also completely lost on how DocProperties would help.

Sergey Tkachenko
Site Admin
Posts: 17677
Joined: Sat Aug 27, 2005 10:28 am

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

Yes, it is planned.
Improving headers and footers is the next major plan in ScaleRichView development. We plan to implement
- different headers/footers for the first page/even pages
- page number field
I am not sure if it will be implemented in this month, but I believe we can do it in this Summer
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