But how to have set and get the position of the caret.
In fact, i want to save the position before the SelectCurrentWord and insert it in his old position after the GetSelText.
I want to take the value of the word for a comparaison with database and continu to write.
For exemple, if I do a space in a middle of a word, i would to take his value before do the space and do it after. But if I do SelectCurrentWord, I can go only before or after the word to do the space, and not in the position of the caret before the SelectCurrentWord .
If you want to store selection, then change selection, then restore selection, use RVGetSelectionEx and RVSetSelectionEx from RVLinear unit.
But it's not necessary to select word to read its value. For example,
function GetCurrentWord(rve: TCustomRichViewEdit): String; from RVGetText.pas returns the current word (the same Unicode function exists in RVGetTextW.pas)