Table := TRVTableItemInfo.CreateEx(Rows, Cols, RVData);
Table.BorderWidth := 0;
Table.CellBorderWidth := 0;
for RowCounter := 0 to Fields.Count-1 do
for ColCounter := 1 to Cols do
The header row is always centered and bold and than the data rows are
dynamicully provided as a tab separated string like Left#9Right#9Right#9Left
The text is not the problem it is the alignment of the cells that's is the problem. I want to parse a stringlist that has the alignment of each cell as text in it.
Horizontal text alignment is a property of paragraph, not a cell.
You can place left-, right- and centered paragraphs in RVStyle.
To assign paragraph index to item, use:
Table.Cells[RowCounter,ColCounter-1].GetItem(0).ParaNo := ...