Weird expanding unibullet tag in rvxml

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Weird expanding unibullet tag in rvxml

Post by martindholmes »

Hi there,

I'm saving and reloading multiple RV documents into a single RVXML file, using techniques learned from the demos. As the files are saved and loaded, though, I'm seeing the unibullet marker tag expand every time, even though no new list styles are added. The tag looks like this in the XML file:

<marker type="unibullet" formatstr="ÃÃâ€Â.....

and it goes on and on for pages. Could anyone suggest what might be causing this?

All help appreciated,
Posts: 131
Joined: Mon Aug 29, 2005 12:03 pm

Post by martindholmes »

Replying to my own message, in case anyone else has the same problem:

I was forgetting to do DeleteUnusedStyles everywhere I needed to, so each time a document was loaded into the TRichViewEdit, it added styles to the list. I think there might be a bug in that the control wasn't detecting that the added styles were identical to those already in place, but in any case DeleteUnusedStyles solved the problem for my situation.

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Post by Michel »

I have seen the "style expansion" problem (in binary RVF) when repeatedly modifying a paragraph's Tab settings. This can be seen even in RVActionTest: just repeat several times with a single line of text: change Tab settings via the dialog box, hit Ok, save document, repeat. The document gradually grows with every new Tab setting. Which is kinda understandable. The fix is the same as what Margin has discovered. In my case, I simply set the RichViewEdit's property AutoDeleteUnusedStyles to True.

Best regards,

Sergey Tkachenko
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Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

Returning to this old topic...
I cannot reproduce the problem with Unicode bullet. May be you use old version of RichViewXML? In my version, Unicode bullet is saved as hexadecimal string (1 unicode character --> 4 digits), for example:

Code: Select all

<marker type="unibullet" formatstr="·" formatstrw="DE06" leftindent="24" firstindent="0" fontname="Arial Unicode MS" fontsize="12" />
FormatStr must contain ANSI text, and it is not used for Unicode bullets.
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