Problem With HardPage

ScaleRichView support and discussion (TRichView add-on for WYSIWYG editing)
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Problem With HardPage

Post by prosoft »

When i press Ctrl-Return in Action Demo this inserts hard page and caret goto new page. It is ok.

1. Problem

When i press Ctrl-Return in my application this inserts new line and jump to begin of line. that is wrong.

I inserted tool button with rvActionsResource.rvActionInsertPageBreak1 to my toolbar. Now when i click on button new page is inserted but caret doesn't jump to new page. it jumps when i press any key.

My application is specific that i create sRichViewEdit in runtime mode. I have frame that contains visual richviewedit components an i insert this frame in runtime.

Can you help me?
Sergey Tkachenko
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Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

As for the first question: Ctrl+Return is not processed by TRichViewEdit/TSRichViewEdit. It adds page break in the ActionTest demo because this is a Shortcut of the insert-pagebreak action.
As for the second question, Ilya will answer.
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