The data contains lots of text and several embedded JPG images of varying sizes. In the TRichViewEdit, I set the sizes of these JPGs to thumbnail-size as I insert them into the TRichViewEdit and everything works well.
When they are printed on the report, they appear at their original size which is huge and messes up the report.
How do I control the size of JPGs when writing to the printer canvas?
Code: Select all
var ColWidth, DocHeight, DocTop, Col1Left, Col2Left,
HeaderLeft, HeaderTop, HeaderWidth, LineY,
PageNo, FooterTop : Integer;
strDateTime : String;
rtfTable : TRVTableItemInfo;
ShowMessage('Starting 2 Col report');
if rvh.RichView.ItemCount=0 then begin
Application.MessageBox('Document is empty!', 'Empty', 0);
Printer.Title := 'ReportHelper Test';
PageNo := 1;
HeaderLeft := Printer.PageWidth div 30; // margins = 5%
HeaderWidth := Printer.PageWidth - HeaderLeft*2;
HeaderTop := Printer.PageHeight div 30; // margins = 5%
FooterTop := Printer.PageHeight - (Printer.PageHeight div 40);
ColWidth := (HeaderWidth-HeaderLeft) div 2;
Col1Left := HeaderLeft;
Col2Left := Col1Left + ColWidth + HeaderLeft div 2;
rvh.Init(Printer.Canvas, ColWidth);
while True do begin
// creating & formatting header
// Build 1 row 2 col table for header
rtfTable := TRVTableItemInfo.CreateEx(1, 2, rvh2.RichView.RVData);
rtfTable.BorderWidth := 1;
rtfTable.CellBorderWidth := 1;
rtfTable.CellBorderStyle := rvtbColor;
rtfTable.CellBorderColor := clWhite;
rtfTable.BorderStyle := rvtbColor;
rtfTable.BorderColor := clWhite;
rtfTable.Cells[0, 0].BestWidth := 0; // Setting cell width to default
rtfTable.Cells[0, 1].BestWidth := 0; // Setting cell width to default
// Load the newly-created rtfTable with page header text
rtfTable.Cells[0,0].AddNL('Dictionary of Jungian Psychology', 3, 0);
rtfTable.Cells[0,1].AddNL(SearchProto2.cbHeading.Text, 1, 2);
rvh2.RichView.AddItem('', rtfTable);
rvh2.Init(Printer.Canvas, HeaderWidth);
DocTop := HeaderTop + rvh2.EndAt + HeaderTop div 2;
// formatting the first column of document
DocHeight := Printer.PageHeight - DocTop - HeaderTop - (Printer.PageHeight - FooterTop);
if not rvh.FormatNextPage(DocHeight) then
// starting new page
if PageNo>1 then
// drawing line between header and document
with Printer.Canvas do begin
Pen.Style := psInsideFrame;
Pen.Width := 2;
Pen.Color := clBlack;
LineY := HeaderTop + rvh2.EndAt + HeaderTop div 4;
MoveTo(HeaderLeft, LineY);
LineTo(Printer.PageWidth-HeaderLeft, LineY);
// drawing line between document and footer
with Printer.Canvas do begin
Pen.Style := psInsideFrame;
Pen.Width := 2;
Pen.Color := clBlack;
LineY := FooterTop;
MoveTo(HeaderLeft, LineY);
LineTo(Printer.PageWidth-HeaderLeft, LineY);
// creating & formatting footer
DateTimeToString(strDateTime, 'dd-mmm-yy hh:mm AM/PM', Now());
rvhFooter.RichView.Add('Copyright © 2008 Thornton Ladd' +
StringOfChar(' ', 55) + 'Page ' + IntToStr(PageNo) +
StringOfChar(' ', 70) + strDateTime , 2);
rvhFooter.Init(Printer.Canvas, HeaderWidth);
rvhFooter.FormatNextPage(75); //Printer.PageHeight);
// drawing header
rvh2.DrawPageAt(HeaderLeft, HeaderTop, 1, Printer.Canvas, False, rvh2.EndAt);
// Draw document - first column
rvh.DrawPageAt(Col1Left, DocTop, PageNo*2-1, Printer.Canvas, False, DocHeight);
// Draw document - second column (if necessary)
if rvh.FormatNextPage(DocHeight) then
rvh.DrawPageAt(Col2Left, DocTop, PageNo*2, Printer.Canvas, False, DocHeight);
// Draw footer
rvhFooter.DrawPageAt(HeaderLeft, FooterTop + 25, 1, Printer.Canvas, False, 75);
end; {While}