The program run ok.But when I test it,I found a new problem.
My operate steps is as below. 1)I input the content on the tag "eName15". 2)I click "save" button to save it to the "X_result". ...
then I run my program. I click the buttons from the read ,button1,button2. At first, It's can switch successful. But I switch serval times,the error also be found.
procedure ChangeFieldValue(RVData: TCustomRVData; const s: String); var ParaNo, StyleNo, Tag: Integer; sl: TStringList; i, Cnt: Integer; begin sl := GetStringListFromString(s); if sl.Count<X_Arrcount then ...
As I understand, you modified GetFieldValue2 so that it adds '^' between lines.
To change 'eName5' to multiline text: 1) Read field value from database (s = '111^222^333') 2) Change '^' to #13#10 (s = '111'#13#10'222'#13#10'333) 3) Call: if GetFieldLocation2(rv.RVData, field, RVData, ItemNo ...
I'm meaning is that I hope when the user read the data again, the richview format as the user input before. (when the user input ,they perhaps user "enter" key auto create serval "eName" tags.)
I created these functions for you, but I HIGHLY recommend you to use one of demos from as a basis, instead of these functions. Thank you for your reply.
I'm sorry I can't be blind to the demo.
Here's my meaning's sourcecode. 1.create the talbe ...
As I understand, you need to change text of the field.
1) Use the unit (the most probably, it will be included in the next versions of TRichView. This unit has the function RVInsertString allowing to insert a single line ...
I searched the two funcitons. I create my funcitons base on them.
The detail is as below.
procedure TForm1.bSaveClick(Sender: TObject); var s: String; begin s := trim(GetFieldValue2(srv.RichViewEdit, 'eName5')); showmessage('»бХпјЗВјЎѕ'+s+'Ўї±ЈґжіЙ№¦ЈЎ'); end;