TrvActionSave.OnSaving, OnSave

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TrvActionSave.OnSaving, OnSave

The events occur before and after saving to a file.


  TRVSaveFileEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject;

    Editor: TCustomRichViewEdit; const FileName: TRVUnicodeString;

    FileFormat: TrvFileSaveFilter;

    CustomFilterIndex: Integer) of object;


property OnSaving: TRVSaveFileEvent;

property OnSave: TRVSaveFileEvent;

OnSaving occurs before saving to a file. If saving shows a dialog window (for example, for choosing a text file code page), this event occurs before showing these dialogs.

OnSave occurs after successful saving. It does not occur is saving was canceled (for example, in a code page dialog), of if an error occurs when saving to a file.


Editor – editor for saving.

FileName – file name (full path) to save.

FileFormat – format to save.

CustomFilterIndex used only if FileFormat is ffeCustom.

If FileFormat = ffeCustom, CustomFilterIndex identifies a custom file format. Custom formats are numbered from 1 in the order they are listed in the CustomFilter property of the linked TrvActionSaveAs action.